God has blessed your country. Go back and hold your corrupt leaders accountable. Stop loitering the streets of America.
If Americans were docile and refused to initiate Revolution, then you would never see such an amazing nation like USA.
If France kept mum in 1775, you wouldn’t see a developed nation like France.
If you like, keep playing tribal politics in suffering while your ruling class loot with reckless abandon.
Stop depending on WHO for subsidized drugs. At your age, you ought to have home-made drugs for common ailments. On that ground, America has left WHO.
Go and hold your ruling class accountable for rots in health care delivery. When they are sick, they run to USA for treatment with your national resources.
Keep playing tribal politics but get out of USA. If you’re ready, you will take over your country from destiny destroying ruling class as the did in France.
All decent nations have accurate population index. Even in hell fire, God has a record of those in it. America belongs to Americans not indians, Nigerians, Chinese, Mexicans, and other nationals who want good life and escaped to USA.
We fought for liberty and advancement. Keep quiet and wait for angels to repair your bad roads. Remain dumb as ministers, Governors, commissioners, etc loot in trillions.
Return to your country and change the narratives. No more running to America with your heavily pregnant wives. You want them to give birth in America and automatically become citizens of America. That is revoked immediately.
The message is clear. Let it sink into the skulls of all those who desire a new Nigeria.
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