…..claims her bank had a hand in it

Mrs Comfort Ashaye who paid a visit to her bank six months ago to make withdrawals was awed and confused to meet a coin less account. The aggrieved customer immediately reached out the Branch Manager who comforted her.

After a brief chatting and probing with the Branch Manager, Ijeoma, it was discovered that numerous mobile app withdrawals from her account had earlier been made. The branch manager asked Mrs Comfort if she had authorized any earlier transactions, Mrs Comfort gave a “no”, but disclosed that an anonymous number called her earlier requesting for her Bank Verification Number (BVN) details.

Further investigation led one of the Diamond Bank staff to openly call the unknown party, the number was privately owned because the first three digits were “080”, after seconds of ringing, someone responded, and sounded like a male but immediately hung up. Also, Mrs Comfort disclosed in her phone a four-digit code for her mobile app which she had sent to the same unknown party.

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After the Easter break, she regularly visited the bank with her son, who always caused a scene in the banking hall, loudly raining abuses, threats and curses on bank staff. This made the atmosphere tensed both for workers and customers. This led the security team to politely excused them to the Branch Manager’s office where Mrs Comfort apologized for her sons behavior.


The Branch Manager confirmed to Mrs Comfort that the issue had been handed over to the Branch’s Fraud Unit. The Fraud Unit uncovered an odd withdrawal to an account at another new generation bank,. This new generation bank was however contacted to block the account. Although the funds had been earlier moved.

In response to the Fraud Unit disclosure, the branch was later visited by an investigative journalist who wanted a balanced story by also trying to get the bank’s own side of the story.

When let in on the facts, of how Mrs Comfort disclosed her BVN details to an unknown party who had earlier contacted her on the phone, the journalist was surprised at the details. The investigative journalist mentioned that he could track the fraudster as he has successfully done antecedently. He then collected the Branch Managers details and promised to return within two Weeks, but not a word from his since then.

However, the investigation was concluded and customers were fully enlightened on their negligence, and that the bank would not be held responsible for Mrs Comfort’s negligence. In contrary to this, Mrs Comfort strongly held that there was an informant in the bank, as her son threatened to deal with bank since April when the mater was concluded.